A blog from the University of Borås

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Field study ...completed!

It’s been a fun couple of weeks doing the INDISKA research and we can say it with confident that we have learnt valuable lessons during the past weeks. This has been a great experience and a good practice before the coming thesis where we have had to take the responsibility of researchers given the mission but had to “pave the way” meaning we had to find out ourselves how best to solve this task.
One example of how important it is to be constantly open to new information and not necessary knowing what you are looking for at the same time. Because the point is, something can be right in front of you which don’t even seems important can eventually have a huge impact on the results. So even though you have planned what you want to find out and how you are going to find it, be open to new ways and information. Lesson of the dayJ

Best regard, Matthildur and Filip

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