A blog from the University of Borås

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Internship part 1

Hi everyone!

It’s been one week since I started my internship period. I am at a global company, that arguably could be viewed as market leading within the menswear sphere, when it comes to luxury shirts and related accessories. My title is “Business Development intern”, since I am conducting my internship at the business development department, which is truly a dream coming true – it’s a department I would love to work at in the future. The past week, beside a lot of handshaking’s, has included a great emphasis on getting to know the organisation and the day-to-day business, along with initial work tasks. The business development department, works and conducts their tasks through a project model, which I also have been introduced to. Already after one week, I can say that I enjoy and gets inspired by working in that kind of dynamic and fast-paced manner. My supervisor and I had a long meeting the second day, where I got my own defined responsibilities and deadlines, within two global projects the team works with at the moment. Therefore, no day has been the other like, nor my schedule.

My internship could in simplified terms be divided into three parts, where the overall focus area is within the spectra of change management and new practice implementation. Thus, I will evaluate the existing implementation processes of the company when it comes to implement new tools, and further map what could potentially be done better, both from a short-, and long-term perspective. Part one consists of conducting an internal gap analysis, namely, doing a lot of interviews. Part two consists of compile and present the findings of part one and bring out a “best-practice” manual. In part three, I will have the ability to test my manual in two actual cases, since the company is in the rolling out phase of two new tools. In the end of my internship period, I will present my findings from all parts for the extended management team – an opportunity I am very excited about. These mentioned parts will be the included and incorporated in my report, which will be niched to focus on the implementation phase of digital tools in-store. At the moment, I’m on my way to Stockholm, where my schedule of today is full of interviews with key persons within in the company. My overall impression after one week in the “field”, is a feeling of that I have gained much knowledge and experiences. I have further reflected about that it is, in my opinion, really fruitful to gain practical experiences from a workplace. I see it as essential to get a broader viewpoint – one that goes beyond the theoretical perspective from University. One insight from the first week refers to that the things you read in double-blind peer reviewed articles may not be relevant nor useful in the real world. After having one exciting week on “the other side”, I can’t wait to see what is in front of me the upcoming 9 weeks.

/ Maria 

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