A blog from the University of Borås

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Research assistant internship CBM 1st

Research assistant internship CBM 1st 

Hi everyone!

The first month of my research assistant internship at the University of Borås was really exciting for me.  Since I am doing the research project of Circular Business Models (CBM) to identify the business needs of mainstreaming CMB and how existing certification cater to those needs. In the first month, I was gathering information through literature to identify business needs. Also gather information from several company websites, which plays leading roles in the circular economy.

It was a great concept to study and make others aware, because of the common practice of linear resource consumption the planet resources are depleting at a higher rate than ever before. With the CBMs it can be reduced and the utilization of resources can improve a lot. The longer the resources are utilized, the need for new raw materials will be reduced, slowing down the rate of resource depletion. This will ensure the sustainability and resource efficiency.

The attributes which improve circularity is reuse, re-manufacture, refurbish and recycle, but the main aspect should be a new consumption culture, which supports and adhere to the attributes of CBMs’. When comes to fashion industry it has been hard yet to adhere or change attitudes toward slow fashion and moving out of owning a cloth for renting and/or swapping. I believe the change in consumption practice is a must for achieving sustainability and CBM helps the businesses’ to achieve sustainability goals. Ultimately achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability, where the world becomes a better place to live.

Throughout the internship period, I have gain lot of knowledge about the aspects of sustainability, resource recovery and CBMs, this research will help the academic community, industry and the general public to understand the CBMs and the certifications exists. The support given by the supervisor for the planning of the research is enormous.  

In the coming weeks, I will be looking into the existing certification processes.


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