Hi everyone!
This is the last post of this internship, the time has passed by so quickly, the time moves fast when having fun, they say.
My assignment was completed a few weeks earlier than we planned, which meant we had time over to continue further with the project. I will be doing two more weeks than we were assigned to, so I still got at least one week left, then I will be jumping over to a new internship in Stockholm where I will stay this summer.
So over to what we have been up to lately, we had a product shoot, all these pictures that you will see on the website, and shot some pictures of one of the pieces for a sustainable project that will be released this autumn. This week, just a few days ago we filmed and shot some pictures for the coming year here at Shyness Interior. The shoot took us out to Käringön, an island on the west coast of Sweden. Shyness Interior also has its own store here full of cute products, everything you need for the bedroom or Livingroom.
We got to spend time in one of the islands most incredible houses, with a view against the rocks and the sea from three out of for angles of the house. A perfect shooting location for a Swedish design brand such as Shyness. Köringön treated us with perfect Swedish summer weather, sun and a blue sky against the dark blue sea and all the flowers. But the day of our arrival was not as inviting as one of the photoshoots, it was raining and it was totally grey, fortunately, the weather got better.
I got to iron the bed linen and all the kitchen textiles, which I have done plenty of times on this internship. I have really learnt how to fold the cover for duvets on my own, we all now that great struggle when doing it by yourself, at least if you want it to be as nice looking as when you buy it, so now I could say I am a pro at it, hehe.
To summarise this whole experience, I would start with that this experience has made me realize that I am capable of working with this kind of questions such as a textile engineer with fibres and construction techniques and now with CSR. I have come to realize that my hard work so far has paid off, a real confidence boost!
One of my biggest dreams is to start my own business someday and what better way to learn about it but by one that has her own business and are thriving. So I am so grateful that I got this chance, it is a way better feeling to get compliments for doing a good job than all the grades in the world!
So, now we have come to the part where I know a lot of us is working hard with the final reports or articles for the field study presentation, so this is where you will find me at the moment, with my head down in the computer. So I will wish you all good luck with the hard work you are doing! I guess we see each other in September, I hope you all have a great summer!
Over and out

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