A blog from the University of Borås

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Approaches of visual communication in digital marketing from a fashion retail perspective.

Blog 2/3

"What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language." 
                                                                                                                             —Miuccia Prada

To deliver the message and interpret the language is possible through the lens of visual communication in the effective digital marketing channel. While continuing the search for suitable approaches to visual communication in digital marketing, I reviewed around forty plus peer reviewed articles in the last couple of weeks. Specifically I use primo -university website, Google Scholar and Emerald insight to find out those articles. I narrowed down the keywords and limited myself to around five. 

Visual communication is the practice of graphically representing information to efficiently and effectively that creates meaning. There are many types of content in the realm of visual communication- infographics, interactive content, motion graphics, and more. While considering the suitable approaches of visual communication, I understand the importance of fashion blogging and instagram influencers who play an important role in fashion digital marketing. Selfie marketing of celebrities is another approach of visual communication which plays a vital role in digital or social media marketing (SMM). Not only that but also the customized mobile fashion retail apps and visual contents published in the e-commerce websites influence the purchase decision of consumers. It has been said that purchase through mobile phones referred to as m-commerce is the extension of e-commerce.

The word “fashion brands” search in google can generate more than 700M search results and a lot of different brands of different categories. SEO (search engine optimization) technique can play a very important role in the digital marketing perspective. Where the social media marketing, fashion films, infographic presentation by personalized fashion bloggers and selfie marketing of celebrities creates a significant effect of brand positioning among the customers. Efficient and skillful use of video, photos, flip book, memes in both brands' websites as well as customized mobile apps creates the positive impression of fashion retailers among the potential customers. 

The role of visual merchandising in the physical store is essential in the context of store management and brand identity. In the same way, the effective and skilfull presentation of l visual contents in the online platform creates the brands identity and positioning. 

I am looking after to figure out more. Thank you.

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