Blog 3/3: Field Study in progress
Dear All,
I hope everyone is still safe and is enjoying summer!
This is my last entry blog about my field study progress, and it is almost August. It has been two weeks already since I gave you an update on my field study and my working experience at Tchibo.
In my previous blog entries, I focused more on my working experience however in this entry blog I want to give you a more detailed update in regard to my field study. In my field study I am conducting a benchmark analysis about the user interface flow of websites with the focus on the mobile checkout process. During my internship I was able to conduct the benchmark analysis very easily. Due to my membership of the “Mobile Checkout Process Team” I was able to get insides, impressions and important details to focus while conducting the benchmark analysis. A few insides I focused on were, the arrangement of the shopping cart, the article presentation and descriptions, the quantity of steps, the voucher box, the express checkout, the click and collect area, the variety of payment options and lastly sticky elements. Moreover, we concentrate on every kind of competitors however I want to concentrate on popular online fashion pure players like About You and Zalando, which also represents a high level of optimization in regard to their mobile checkout process. I was not only responsible for the benchmark analyses itself I also had to collect scrolled screenshots of every competitor. Moreover, I had to present the benchmark analysis to the board of the team. As I told you before we did a qualitative observation, where we scanned six participants while scrolling throughout our checkout process. After both parts of the project we were able to collect findings and establish hypotheses for the optimization of the mobile checkout process. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to give you more details on the qualitative observation, but this was actually nice to get a deeper understanding of customer behaviour and therefore the user interface flow of the Tchibo website. Coming to the part of finding the right literature I will be honest with you guys; it took me actually a while to conduct my literature review based on my strategy as well as to find the best fit for the table of content. and it still does.
Concluding, I have almost all bits and pieces to actually write down my field study. In Germany you would say “Leichter gesagt als getan” meaning it is easy to say than doing it:D
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