A blog from the University of Borås

Thursday, 20 May 2021

The life of a research assistant (part two)

We’re nearing the end of the line now and I have to say it’s been so fun to read about all your different internships and projects and I’m looking forward to hearing about a few of them in the final presentation seminars!

In our team at Handelslabbet, things are running smoothly, despite a few speed bumps along the way, and next week we’ll have our last official meeting before the summer break. However, as the relaunch isn’t until September and there is still so much to do in terms of planning, I’ve decided to push my research presentation until later in the year so that I can gather as much data as possible for the report. Speaking of data, if you haven’t already, please fill out the survey that the team sent out to your school emails. The lab wants to create an exhibition space based on your opinions and preferences so this is a golden opportunity for you guys to influence the final outcome! If you’ve missed it, you can click the link below to access it:

In terms of research, the articles and journals I’ve found have given me such a great insight into what actually gets us to walk through the doors of a store and how vital visual merchandising and storefront windows are in terms of approachability and engagement. My biggest obstacle now is to find a methodology that fits my purpose, but I’m lucky enough to have a mother with academic research experience who’s been helping me find the right books and references to guide my path. All in all, this period has been great fun so far and I’m excited to see your responses in the survey so that the Handelslabbet-team can get to designing and building an exhibition space that can intrigue and excite you all by next fall! 

Stay safe,

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