A blog from the University of Borås

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Social Media Marketing Intern 1/3

 Hi everyone!


I have now been at my internship at Filippa K for about three weeks. Everyone has been very welcoming here and I am very happy with the the team that I get to work with.


The social media team is quite small, but it has been nice to work so closely within my own team. I have also gotten the chance to attend all the other meetings with different teams such as eCom and marketing production and listen in. I feel like I have gotten a good insight into how things work, and what the current brand strategy is, which everyone here is very focused on.

So far, I have worked with all different content creation tasks related to social media and the different platform's that the brand is using. I also had a chance to be a part of a campaign photoshoot, by assisting the stylist and the general photoshoot as part of the team.


I have enjoyed my time so far and I look forward to the next few months here over the summer!


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