A blog from the University of Borås

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

First Photo Shooting

My colleague and I visited my friends' house to take photos of a newborn baby with our products this Monday. It was for EcoViking instagram, homepage and possibly for new catalogs. We prepared firstly to collect visual images to research colors, light effects, accessories, angles, dispositions etc. Secondly, I created the documents with selected images for the usages as bases for our photo shooting sessions. Then, I communicated with the mother about what to prepare and  how to take photos by hearing her wishes and exchanging our ideas. Lastly, I prepared and learned the functions and good effects on a new camera while testing with different objects.

On the photo shooting, I started casually by talking with a baby and testing different angles. Since this baby was just born one and half month ago, a pacifier was quite big for him so it took a little bit of time for him to get used to it. However, more time passed, he seemed liking it and started to even fall asleep during the session with the pacifiers in his mouth. We tried three different outfits, three different blankets and three different occasions (on the bed, in parents arms, inside the round chair, and outside of balcony). Since as a photographer concentration and communication with a baby were needed, it was very efficient to have my colleague to support me to check the composition, colors matches and good use of lights etc.

After the session, our mentors and we checked the photos together. They liked close-up photos of baby's face with pacifiers, photos with focus on our products while baby is in the back, color matches such as orange background with orange pacifiers with baby's blue eye color etc. However, we want more photos with the focus on the products, so, for the next session, we plan, in order for our products to stand out more, to prepare babies clothes to be more pale or white while keeping good compositions yet adding more varieties. The good parts of this photo shooting was that since I have known the baby's parents so well, the atmosphere was really nice and friendly thus easy to take photos. Also previous planning and communication gave us enough good accessories and made our session to go much smoother, so we will continue to make sure good planning ahead.

Our mentors told us we did great job and we will be sent to other photo shooting sessions this Thursday and Monday two weeks from now. Visual communication is important parts of marketing especially the needs of expanding online marketing have increased. Visual images communicate emotion, culture, lifestyle, and identity and it is really interesting to think what messages we want to communicate and have good photo shooting. I am looking forward to next photo shooting as well as editing.

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