A blog from the University of Borås

Saturday, 5 May 2018


Two weeks since my last post and a lot has happened. LUMI is actually struggling with some financial issues due to a badly organized orders, employee exchange and wholesale cooperation. However, to me this has been very interesting as I get to see how the atmosphere, tasks and priorities have changed just within two weeks. It has been interesting to participate the meetings of how to improve the performance of the company under this pressure, and also see how the fulltime employees react to this. So yet again, working in a small company you get to see a lot, and you also get to share your opinion and bring an outsider perspective to the table.

Of course we have been doing our usual tasks too, so I for example have continued taking product photos and editing them for the online shop. Something new we started now, is to focus more on working together with influencers and celebrities. So mine and our other interns job is finding good fits and contacting them. One big name for LUMI was, Finland's Eurovision representer Saara Aalto, who got some LUMI bags to take with her to Lissabon.

Last weeks main event, at least for me, was FW18 press day at Spalt PR. First we had to prepare our station and next day we got to be represent the brand, network, and meet all the relevant people in Helsinki, and enjoy the day with food and drink. This event strengthened my conception of how small Helsinki is within the fashion sector, as everyone seemed to know each other at the press day. So it was a good opportunity for me to meet and chat with other brands and influencers for future references.

That’s all for now, until next blog post :) 

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