A blog from the University of Borås

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Signing out

Today is the day I'm signing out from my NA-KD e-mail for the last time. I have had such a great time at NA-KD and I have learned so much about the concept and practice of Influencer Marketing. The atmosphere and the way of working at the department suits me very well, with a lot of team work, own responsibilities - and a constant goal orientation. The manager told me during an interview for the field study that their way of working is characterized by the words "It's better to apologize than asking for permission" - and I think that this is the way to do it to learn quickly, which is important for both the interns and the department in general.

This last week I have spent a lot of time phasing out my ongoing work and collabs, and introducing a new intern to the way we work at the department. She will take care of all my and Agnes' monthly collabs and continue to do collabs with new influencers in order to grow the Danish market. It feels like only days ago that I was the one not understanding anything and being all confused about all the spreadsheets.

The upcoming week I'll be finishing my field study report, I have the results and discussion left to write. I have had the opportunity to interview both the assistant manager and a team leader, and they have provided me with great inputs for the report. I'm looking forward to presenting it on the 1st of June, and hearing about the classmates' experiences during their internships!

Have a great day, and good luck with the writing of your field studies!


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