A blog from the University of Borås

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Kick-off Meetings For a Good Start

Hello everyone!

              The last two weeks were the opening weeks for a new busy year for the company. They started with the company's kick-off meeting where the plans and targets for the Company for the next 5 and 10 years were revealed and discussed. That introduced all of us to the priorities and challenges for the international sportswear market and this Company in particular.
              This meeting was followed by the big kick-off meeting for the Buying&Design team. It took the whole day, while the presentations and focus group discussions were followed by the team-building activities. We talked about the target consumer and the Changes in the sportswer market and social forces which could influence the demand,  we also pin-pointed the competitors and discussed the possible outcomes of the marketing compains planned for this year and how will it influence the work of our Buying&Design team and what it requires from each and everyone of us.
              A peculiar fact is that the reasults of the discussion in mini-Groups of the challenges of this department and possible sollutions showed that the team members outlined the same issues and needs independantly from one another. It can be considered to be an obvious strength of the Company to be aware of its weaknesses and not be afraid to reveal them with the strong motivation to improve. Some of the targets and needs have become the part of my future Projects, as I was offered a job in this Company and am delighted about that.

Wish all of you an interesting week, and talk to you later :)

Kind regards,


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