A blog from the University of Borås

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Last weeks and last tasks

This is the second last week of my internship. The time is flying and I should be finished soon!

I gave a presentation on my findings yesterday and it was nice to notice that my work was appreciated. The results were not groundbreaking or a total surprise but still it raised interest and there were some questions. My project report with all the results for the company is not ready yet and I will mainly work on that next week. I would have preferred to present later this week but as you know, the Copenhagen Fashion Week is starting and also my jefe and other colleagues will be there.

It has been an experience to intern in such a small company. I have heard a lot, learned a lot and made new connections. Working in a company this small it is nice to notice that you can really do anything from folding and packing t-shirts to researching the manufacturing process and how it could be turned more environmentally friendly. This applies to the CEO as well as the product assistant. Few days are similar.

I'm happy to have had the chance to calculate the Higg Index for real products and in a real company. It is totally different than doing it in the classroom with examples. Now I can say that I actually can use the RDM and I have a small hint of what it requires to calculate Higg Index. However, as with many other things in life - the more you learn about something the more you realize how little you actually know. This is my feeling at the moment. Happy for the experience but still a tiny bit confused about everything that has to do with the Higg Index.

This is my last post when it comes to my internship project. Hopefully I will see you guys at the uni soon! Ciao!


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