A blog from the University of Borås

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

My second blog post

Hi, again!

I'm not sure if it's okey to post one blog post per week, but I'm guessing no one would really mind. Or at least I hope so! Haha. 

I've spend almost three weeks at Nelly.com now, and I'm still loving it! I'm learning new things every day, and I guess I'm finding my place more and more with every day that goes by. I feel it's hard to perform perfectly, when I don't really know what I should do. I have never worked with anything like this ever before, and since I am a very hard-working person, full of initiatives, it's frustrating when I can't show my mentor and my team that I can do things and that I want to learn more! I can't make my own decisions and take initiative to do tasks, when I don't really know what I could do or should do. So instead, I'm this very annoying intern going "What should I do now?" every half hour! Haha, no not really, but almost. 

But I am learning so much, even though some days involve a lot of sitting next to another purchaser and just looking at what she's doing. But I guess that's a way of learning as well! Even though I always learn more when I get to do things and try myself. 

However, it is still amazing working with so many skilled people, always surrounded by dresses, shoes and fantastic clothes! Right now, we're working a lot with AW17, and today, I got to organize a lot of inspirational garments for fall, bought in Paris by one of our purchases. Some of my daily tasks include activating garments in our system called BackOffice, to make them appear online. I'm also (kind of) in charge of writing small, descriptive texts about the clothes we sell, which customers then can read online.

Tomorrow, we have a company breakfast in the morning, which I definitely won't miss!

All the best,

PS: You can find all of Nelly's amazing clothes at Nelly.com!

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