A blog from the University of Borås

Friday, 5 December 2014

DIY do not always generate a creative mixture

Everyday is full of surprise here. I have lost track to what I was initially assigned to do. I have gained a lot of responsibility; I get to jump in many of the decisions that have to be taken. For instance, I am now on responsible for planning the upcoming collection photo shoot (in January 2015). How cool is that? It is fun and it encourages me to do my best in every situation since I can feel that my boss trusts me. 
During this week, I was busy with archiving rejected prototypes, making an order for the upcoming photo shoot, and packing products for an event we had this week in collaboration with another brand. 

What I learned this time is in conjunction with the event we held together with this other brand. The event was planned long before my internship. But I noticed that the two brands had completely different target groups, which I believe justifies the poor sales performance. As such, I think that it is crucial to understand the customers of a company you intend to collaborate with. That way, you can ensure a win-win situation. However, it is not always about the sales right? People that would have never come across our brand got back home with a new brand to put on their list. This also shows the bad side of startsups, limited resources forces you to do everything yourself, sometimes for the best as I stated in my previous post but also, as of our latest sales event, for the worst.

Next, I might have the opportunity to follow my boss to a meeting with a potential retailer. This is completely new to me so I’m looking really forward to be there and see how things get down!

Merci et bon weekend!

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