A blog from the University of Borås

Saturday, 6 December 2014

More inspiration

I have now endend my fourth week on my internship in the store that is focusing on only eco-
friendly and fair-trade clothing and accessories. I get more and more routine on my work and I
 get a lot of trust from my supervisor which gives me the possibility to take my own initiative 
and resolve issues on my own. Much has calmed down since the opening but there are still a
 lot of details to refine.  For example there are some visual issues to work on and also a lot of 
details with the checkout system and always new registrations of products.

To be able to run this store, the 20 different owner of the companies will also come to assist 
in the store periodically. Now some of them have done this and learned all the routines, (there 
are a lot or routines) and rules for example about the clothing library. It is also very fun to
 work with the entrepreneurs because I get so much information about their perspectives and
 skills in the fashion industry.  Some of them have no education or interest in fashion, but they 
love the work with business running and sustainable development and they also have great 
ideas about reusing materials.

I have also met and talked to a lot of customers and also reflected on their different reasons to 
visit the store which I think is very interesting. Most of the consumers thinks it is fun and 
inspiring to see all different clothes and ideas and the store is selling goodJ. Some of the
 consumers are curious but still sceptical and asks a lot of questions, in these situations it is 
important to be well prepared to respond as fully as possible to the questions.

Overall, I get a stunning view of the sustainable development in the industry which I think is 



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