A blog from the University of Borås

Monday, 8 May 2017

First update

Hi everyone,

Times flies and I am already half way through my internship at Stayhard. For those who doesn't know Stayhard, it is a men's fashion company that sells clothes, shoes, accessories and grooming products online.

My role at the company is to map the product flow process - from the point where the product arrives in the warehouse to when it is uploaded with text and images on the website. The purpose of mapping the flow is to review each step in it and look for critical moments and suggestions for improvements in terms of efficiency enhancement and lead time reduction. To be able to this, I have been participating in all the steps a product goes through within this flow: incoming delivery, measuring, labelling and copy write, steaming and styling, shooting, editing, uploading on the web and quality assurance. Being a part of all these steps has provided me with a good insight of how everything works within an fashion e-commerce company, and it has not only been very interesting and educational, but also a lot of fun!

It is a great team to be a part of and I have felt welcome and appreciated ever since the first day. The environment is so inspiring and creative, which makes me look forward going to work each day and learn new things. If I ever doubted choosing this education and beginning to start a career within fashion and the textile industry, I know now that it was the right decision to make - this is what I want to do.

I hope you guys are enjoying your internships!


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