A blog from the University of Borås

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Interviews, photoshoots and analyzing

Hi again!

I'm writing from the studio, where our e-com photoshoot is taking place as we speak.

It has been a few hectic days of shooting, both last week and this one. What has been most interesting for me to see is how much effort there is behind only one single picture.

Before the shoot started all parties involved must organize their thoughts around the shoot in able to produce material which will be both inspiring, desirable, and appear luxurious while still being somewhat commercial in order to sell to the intended target group. The creative director must be assured that the collection which she created appears as she wishes, through a dialoge with the stylist. Meanwhile the sales and marketing team have inputs on how some styles must be photographed in easier combinations in order for their intended customer to understand and desire the product. All this while coordinating studio locations, suitable models and photographers which can help bring the collection to life. There is so much work behind these pictures which we scroll through on a daily basics, in our social media feeds, which most of us never ever notice.

I am glad to have experienced all work and effort behind these pictures and it has given me a great insight in how small details come to matter while constantly aiming to analyze the work you do and whom you do it for - the customer.

Besides all photoshoots going on, I have held interviews with head of each department at the company to analyze their coordination between departments and how these collaborations take an important place in their work with their 360 omni channel they aim to present to their customer. It has been truly interesting to understand each departments role and thoughts behind the work that they do.
More about this in my report - later!

Have a great week guys!
Xx, Sofia

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