A blog from the University of Borås

Monday, 22 May 2017

Two weeks left

Hello everyone!

I can't believe it is only two weeks left of my internship, so sad. I really enjoy being here and being a part of the studio team. I am grateful that I have been able to not only take part in and learn the daily working tasks in several different sections within the the product flow, but also to really dig deeper into the process by investigating, discussing and analysing it's different steps. Doing all this has provided me with such a wider knowledge concerning the fashion industry and the e-commerce business in particular.

However, right now the rest of the studio team is out doing campaign shoots for a few days so I am spending my week up at the buying office which is nice. It is interesting to also get an insight of how the buyers operate on a daily basis. My analysis of the product flow, which I have been working on, is finally coming together and I am in the phase where I am trying to wrap it all up. The last work mostly consists of ranking the critical moments and classifying the different improvements I suggest.

Wish you all a great week.


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