A blog from the University of Borås

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Third blog post from Nelly.com

I am more than half way through my internship, which is just SICK. Time flies by so fast! I am still learning so much, and I get to take more and more responsibility for every passing day. I have now reached a level, where I get to place orders and talk to suppliers all on my own. Very exciting! We are  working more and more with AW17, as well as we are placing the last order for SS17. 

Connected to my internship, I will also write a thesis. My thesis will focus on the trend forecasting at Nelly.com, where I specifically will look at both the internal department as well as the external department. Nelly.com are selling both their own brand (in different categories), as well as they are selling external brands online. So I thought that this would be an interesting thing to focus on! I'm also very interested in trend forecasting, which makes this my dream project :) I have had four interviews in total, with two of the designers at the internal department (since they are doing most or all of the trend forecasting), as well as I have talked to two purchasers at the external department. These trend forecasting processes are totally different, which is so interesting. I really hope you all will appreciate my work as I present it in just one month! Oh my God, cannot believe it's already May...


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