A blog from the University of Borås

Monday, 9 May 2016

Research Project - 3

Hello once again,

I feel like so much has happened since my last post! I have had several meetings with very interesting people doing very different jobs with unique perspectives on local production.

I visited a company that produces jeans in Malmö inside their shop. The building that they are in seems like a good location and has space for them in their activities now and in the near future. They are soon starting their own online shop and will rearrange their spaces to accommodate that. I found it interesting that they felt confident that when they are ready for it the news/media will be there since what they are doing is a unique concept. It seems that people are really responding to their concept of local denim.

I was also able to have a discussion with one of the people at the fashion incubator to find out what their perspective is on the topic of local production. It seems that there are a lot of really exciting things going on or about to.

In addition to writing and reading I have had a few chances to spend some time in the lovely forest here in Borås, during this beautiful weather, to contemplate and brainstorm about how things can move forward. I am finding the links between the different people's thoughts that are closer to practice and what is being written in literature. I look forward to trying to contribute in any way to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

More next time, I am sure. Happy Spring Everyone!

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