A blog from the University of Borås

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Logistics Intern 2/3

Hi again! 

Since I made my first post a couple of weeks ago, I have been exploring the world of transportations and hauler management. As with the majority of fashion brands, my internship company does not own any own vehicles and all transportations are outsourced to different haulers depending on where the customer is located, if it is a B2B or a B2C customer, the volume of the shipment, and so on. Since the transportation industry is continuously changing with new innovations and new actors on the market current contracts needs to be continuously overlooked in order to evaluate if more efficient solutions are available. 

The past week, I have been looking into our possibilities of expanding the use of electrical trucks and analyzing which destinations this would be a good solution for. This has been a really interesting investigation, since there is more parameters to consider when it comes to electrical trucks compared to the "old school" ones. Access to loading stations is one parameter since that is still not available everywhere. Therefore, it is not obvious that closer destinations is a better fit than destinations further away since the efficiency of having fully electrical routs is highly dependent on that there is loading stations along the way- which is not always the case. Nevertheless, it feels really hopeful that we are moving towards a less polluting transportation industry and that both haulers and contractees are invested in its development so that we together can create a more sustainable future. 

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