A blog from the University of Borås

Thursday 16 May 2024

Performance Marketing Intern #3

 Hi everybody!

This is going to be my last blog post. Time really does fly! 

As I mentioned in my last blog post, there has been some major changes to the B2C department here. Starting from last week, the digital marketing for US and Canada has been fully assigned to the local marketing agency. It's great to see the company is opening up every opportunity to optimize their digital marketing results. Hopefully the local marketing team will contribute even better sales!

That means there has also been a bit shifts for my daily work. I'm focusing on market research now for the online team here together with some assistance for my coworker with performance data. As the market research is going to be part of a background proof for development in every target country market, the information to seek is huge. I've tried to use Google as searching tool for almost two weeks, but the information was quite scattered. So I then tried different AI tools like GPT, research AI from Statista (we have access to premium as a student in Högskolan, remember to use that if you need!). The results are amazingly helpful. For example,  I could easily identify all big competitors in all target country, even with the ones that are not born there but receive great presence there. This experience also corresponds to my report on big data in international marketing!

It was also great to see this company keeps seeking for better customer experience and improvements. I observed my coworker’s jobs on modifying the trousers website with pop-ups. It is such an improvement for the difficulties that some people are not sure which kind of performance wear they need. In this pop up, customers get to fill in a survey where they can base on their gender, toughness of material required, functions, fit, and budget to help with the purchase decision. Previously, there was data showing the long time people stay on the trousers page, and low conversion on some expensive pairs, so this improvement will really help people to know better about the exact product to purchase. For companies that have many SKUs of products, this for sure is very helpful.

Last but not least, the passed months I've also trained more on my Svenska! As all my coworkers are Swedish, I listened to their conversations to train my listening during lunch, and also tried to embark with some conversations, had a few meetings in full Swedish 😆Buut it took me almost two months to fully get around with everybody in my team. So I can say it was definitely not the easiest thing to blend in a company full of Swedes. If I can give some words to international students who want to work in a Swedish company: don't give up when Swedes are a bit distant in the beginning, they are actually very nice, so give it a bit time!

Two more weeks to go. See you at the presentation time! Good luck to you all!

Ruiqi Pan

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