A blog from the University of Borås

Friday 31 May 2024

Logistics Intern 3/3


As my last week as a logistics intern has just passed, I would like to assign this post to summarize my experiences during these past ten weeks. 

Since a couple of years back I have worked within logistics during the summers, and I therefore had an image in my mind of how the processes at my internship company would be like in general terms. However, I quickly realized how different the task of supplying products to customers can be depending on the company and which industry it operates in. From my experiences, I believe that logistics within the fashion industry differs from many other industries, due to it being highly dependent on both seasons and offshoring production to the east. This combination creates an additional need for speed within the logistic operations, since the time frame from when purchasing a new collection from the manufacturer to it being delivered to the customers need to be as short as possible. 

Furthermore, supplying to B2C customers was a new experience for me, and something that has really made an impact on me is how much resources the handling of returns require. When returns are free and easily accessible as a consumer it is easy to not think twice before placing an order with items you are not 100% sure of, however, the work behind the scenes when sending a return are major and causing both additional emissions and costs for the retailer. I believe that this is something that consumers need to become more aware of to achieve a more sustainable fashion industry in the future. 

Finally, it has been amazing to be a part of a workplace where everyone feel so passionated about their work and committed to the brand they represent. It really shows that standing for the right values as a company both attracts and remains amazing employees, which is necessary for long-term success. I am so thankful that I took the chance to be an intern during this course, and I highly recommend everyone everyone else who has the possibility to do the same.

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