A blog from the University of Borås

Thursday 21 October 2021

The life of a research assistant (part three)

Wow, time really flies! I had almost forgotten about writing my final post with everything going on in these past few months. I hope you've all managed to dodge the Corona-bullet and are happy and healthy going in to this new semester. For me, the work at Handelslabbet has continued across the summer and renovations are nearing its end, which is super exciting! 

I’ve been a bit reluctant to inviting you all to the relaunch, as the date has been moved up som many times due to various reasons. But finally, I can officially invite you all to visit the lab, either at the relaunch this Saturday (see deets in Swedish below) or on Wednesdays between 14:00-16:00. Experience VR, learn about AI within fashion or perhaps try eye-tracking. 

I hope to see you all there!